Assumption |
Measure from an eye of a subject is independent of measure from other subjects |
Measures from both eyes of a subject are independent, and also independent of measures from other subjects |
Measures from both eyes of a subject are correlated, but independent of measures from other subjects |
Measures from both eyes of a subject are correlated, but independent of measures from other subjects |
Approach for accounting for inter-eye correlation |
Not needed, as inter-eye correlation does not exist |
None |
By using random effects |
By using “working correlation” for residuals of standard linear model |
Estimation method |
Least squares |
Least squares |
Maximum Likelihood |
Estimate for mean response |
Least squares means |
Least squares means |
Conditional on the random effects, the eye-specific outcomes are independent |
Marginal, conditional only on covariates and not on other responses or random effects |
Estimate of within-subject correlation |
Not needed |
None |
Estimated together with the fixed effects |
Separate from the estimate of marginal mean response |
Regression coefficient estimate |
Estimates change in mean value of an outcome corresponding to change in the covariate while holding constant other covariates |
Estimates change in mean value of an outcome corresponding to change in the covariate while holding constant other covariates |
Estimates change in expected mean value of outcome for an individual eye corresponding to change in the eye-specific covariates while holding constant other eye-specific covariates |
Estimates change in mean value of all individuals corresponding to change in the covariate while holding constant other covariates |
Interpretation of regression coefficient |
Change in mean ocular outcome for a unit change of a covariate across all subjects |
Change in mean ocular outcome for a unit change of a covariate across all subjects |
Change in expected mean ocular outcome for a unit change in a covariate of a subject while keeping random effect fixed |
Change in mean ocular outcome for a unit change in a covariate across all subjects |
Missing data |
Can handle data missing completely at random |
Can handle unbalanced data and data missing completely at random |
Can handle unbalanced data and missing at random |
Can handle unbalanced data and missing completely at random |
Advantage |
Simplicity |
Simplicity |
Flexibility |
Robustness to the mis-specification of covariance structure |
Disadvantage |
Loss of statistical power |
Invalid inference |
Easy to mis-specify the model (either random effect or fixed effect or covariance structure), lead to biased inference |
May lose efficiency if covariance structure mis-specified or sample size too small |
SAS procedure |
RANDOM statement of PROC MIXED |
Stata procedure |