Fig 11. Isolated otooccipital region of the neurocranium of Trachylepis species examined.
Light gray elements = T. laevis, medium gray elements = T. sulcata, and dark gray elements = T. gonwouoi. Otooccipital region in dorsal (top), ventral (second row), posterior (third row), anterior (fourth row), and lateral (bottom) views. Abbreviations: aa, anterior ampulla; ascc, anterior semicircular canal; avc, anterior opening of the vidian canal; bo; basioccipital; bofos, basioccipital fossa; bp, basipterygoid process; cal, crista alaris; clp, clinoid process; cpro, crista prootica; crc, carotid canal; crif, crista interfenestralis crs, crista sellae; fm, foramen magnum; fov, fenestra ovalis; hscc, horizontal semicircular canal; hvc, lateral head vein; ip, incisura prootica; ipr, inferior process of the prootic; lrst; lateral opening of recessus scalae tympani; occ, occipital condyle; ocr, occipital recess; oto, otooccipital; pft, fossa for the pituitary gland; pop, paroccipital process; pro, prootic; pscc, posterior semicircular canal; pvc, posterior opening of the vidian canal; rvj, recesus vena jugularis; so, supraoccipital; sopa, processus ascendens of the supraoccipital; sph, sphenoid; spht, sphenooccipital tubercle; trb, trabecula; VI, CN VI; VIII, CN VIII; X, CN X; XII, CN XII. Scale bars = 1 mm.