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. 2017 Sep 13;3(9):e1700764. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1700764

Table 1. The major proteins identified in mouse mammary tissue ECM that were preserved in TMS.

The proteins were grouped according to their similarities in a family or their functions within ECM and were listed from high to low spectrum counts. FACIT, fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices.

# Protein Gene Accession
mass (kDa)
Collagen 1 Collagen
type I
alpha 1 chain
Col1a1 P11087 138 899 Strengthens tissue structure; participates in ECM organization;
interacts with metal ions and other proteins; regulates cell
2 Collagen
type III
alpha 1 chain
Col3a1 P08121 139 812 Strengthens tissue structure; associates with and facilitates
collagen I fibrillogenesis; participates in ECM organization;
interacts with metal ions and other proteins; regulates
cell mobility
3 Collagen
type I alpha
2 chain
Col1a2 Q01149 130 769 Strengthens tissue structure; participates in ECM organization;
interacts with metal ions and other proteins; regulates
cell mobility
4 Collagen
type V
alpha 2 chain
Col5a2 Q3U962 145 143 Mediates the assembly of other collagen fibrils; participates
in ECM organization; interacts with metal ions and other
5 Collagen
type VI alpha
3 chain
Col6a3 E9PWQ3 354 123 A major structural component of microfibrils; links BMs to
nearby cells; participates in ECM organization; interacts with
other proteins
6 Collagen
type II
alpha 1 chain
Col2a1 P28481 142 62 Adds structure and strength to connective tissues that resist
compression; participates in ECM organization; interacts
with metal ions and other proteins
7 Collagen
type V
alpha 1 chain
Col5a1 O88207 184 60 Participates in heterotypic assembly with other collagen
fibrils and organization of ECM; interacts with metal ions
and other proteins; regulates cell mobility
8 Collagen
type VII alpha
1 chain
Col7a1 Q63870 295 56 A major component of anchoring fibrils that contributes to
epithelial BM organization and adherence by interacting with
other ECM proteins; participates in ECM organization;
regulates cell mobility
9 Collagen
type IV
alpha 2 chain
Col4a2 P08122 167 47 A major structural component of BM that forms a meshwork
together with laminins, proteoglycans, and nidogen/
entactin; participates in ECM organization; regulates cell
adhesion; its cleaved product canstatin inhibits
angiogenesis and tumor growth
10 Collagen
type V
alpha 3 chain
Col5a3 Q9JLI2 172 33 Participates in heterotypic assembly with other collagen fibrils
and organization of ECM; interacts with metal ions and other
proteins; regulates cell mobility
11 Collagen
type IV
alpha 1 chain
Col4a1 P02463 161 27 A major structural component of BM that forms a meshwork
together with laminins, proteoglycans, and nidogen/
entactin; participates in ECM organization; regulates cell
adhesion; its cleaved product arresten inhibits
angiogenesis and tumor growth
12 Collagen
type VI
alpha 1 chain
Col6a1 Q04857 108 20 A major structural component of microfibrils; links BM to
nearby cells; participates in ECM organization; interacts with
other proteins
13 Collagen
type VI
alpha 2 chain
Col6a2 Q02788 110 15 A major structural component of microfibrils; links BM to
nearby cells; participates in ECM organization; interacts with
other proteins
14 Collagen
type XI
alpha 2 chain
Col11a2 Q64739 172 7 Mediates the spacing and width of type II collagen; its
proteolytic product poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase is
involved in cellular stress response; interacts with calcium
and metal ions
15 Collagen
type XVI
alpha 1 chain
Col16a1 A3KFV7 122 4 Maintains the integrity of ECM; regulates cell attachment
and integrin-mediated cell spreading and morphology
16 Collagen
type XIV
alpha 1 chain
Col14a1 B7ZNH7(+2) 193 2 Interacts with the interstitial collagen fibrils via type I
collagen and mediates fibrillogenesis; plays an adhesive
role by integrating collagen bundles; participates in ECM
organization; regulates cell adhesion
17 Collagen
type XXII
alpha 1 chain
Col22a1 E9Q7P1 160 2 A member of the FACIT subgroup of the collagen family;
specifically localizes to tissue junctions; acts as a cell
adhesion ligand
18 Collagen
type XV
alpha 1 chain
Col15a1 A2AJY2 138 1 A member of the FACIT collagen family; its BM expression
adheres the BM to the underlying connective tissue
stroma; its cleaved product restin inhibits angiogenesis
19 Collagen
type IV
alpha 3 chain
Col4a3 Q9QZS0 162 1 A major structural component of BM that forms a meshwork
together with laminins, proteoglycans, and nidogen/
entactin; its cleaved fragment tumstatin has
antiangiogenic and antitumor activities; participates in
ECM organization; regulates cell adhesion
20 Collagen
type IV
alpha 5 chain
Col4a5 Q63ZW6 162 1 A major structural component of BM that forms a meshwork
together with laminins, proteoglycans, and nidogen/
entactin; participates in ECM organization; regulates cell
Glycoprotein and
21 Periostin Postn Q62009 93 66 Functions in tissue development and regeneration; binds to
integrins to support adhesion and migration of epithelial
cells; plays a role in cancer stem cell maintenance and
22 Laminin
gamma 1
Lamc1 F8VQJ3 177 26 The major noncollagenous constituent of BM; regulates cell
adhesion, differentiation, migration, signaling, neurite
outgrowth, and cancer metastasis; interacts with other
ECM components; participates in ECM organization
23 Laminin
beta 1
Lamb1 E9QN70(+1) 202 13 The major noncollagenous constituent of BM; regulates cell
adhesion, differentiation, migration, signaling, neurite
outgrowth, and cancer metastasis; interacts with other
ECM components; participates in ECM organization
24 Laminin
alpha 1
Lama1 P19137 338 9 The major noncollagenous constituent of BM; regulates cell
adhesion, differentiation, migration, signaling, neurite
outgrowth, and cancer metastasis; interacts with other
ECM components; participates in ECM organization
25 Laminin
beta 2
Lamb2 Q61292 197 8 The major noncollagenous constituent of BM; regulates cell
adhesion, differentiation, migration, signaling, neurite
outgrowth, and cancer metastasis; interacts with other
ECM components; participates in ECM organization
26 Laminin
alpha 5
Lama5 Q61001 404 5 The major noncollagenous constituent of BM; regulates cell
adhesion, differentiation, migration, signaling, neurite
outgrowth, and cancer metastasis; interacts with other ECM
components; participates in ECM organization
27 Fibronectin Fn1 P11276 273 23 Binds cell surface and collagen, fibrin, heparin, DNA, and
actin; regulates type I collagen deposition, cell
morphology, adhesion, migration, and opsonization;
mediates angiogenesis and tumor metastasis; its cleaved
product anastellin binds fibronectin and induces fibril
28 Fibrillin 1 Fbn1 A2AQ53 312 16 Fibrillin is secreted into ECM by fibroblasts and incorporated
into the insoluble microfibrils, which appear to provide a
scaffold for deposition of elastin
29 Fibrinogen
alpha chain
Fga E9PV24(+1) 87 14 Forms fibrinogen with fibrinogen beta and gamma chains;
thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, which mediates
blood clotting; various cleaved products of fibrinogen
and fibrin regulate cell adhesion and spreading, display
vasoconstrictor and chemotactic activities, and act as
30 Fibrinogen
gamma chain
Fgg Q8VCM7 49 13 Forms fibrinogen with fibrinogen alpha and beta chains;
thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, which mediates
blood clotting; various cleaved products of fibrinogen
and fibrin regulate cell adhesion and spreading, display
vasoconstrictor and chemotactic activities, and act as
31 Fibrinogen beta
Fgb Q8K0E8 55 9 Forms fibrinogen with fibrinogen alpha and gamma chains;
thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, which mediates
blood clotting; various cleaved products of fibrinogen
and fibrin regulate cell adhesion and spreading, display
vasoconstrictor and chemotactic activities, and act as
32 Nidogen 1/
Nid1 P10493 137 9 Essential component of BM; connects the networks formed
by collagens and laminins to each other; plays a role in
cell-ECM interactions
33 Tenascin-X Tnxb O35452 435 2 The tenascins have antiadhesive effects, as opposed to
fibronectin, which is adhesive; it is thought to function in
matrix maturation
34 EMILIN 1 Emilin1 Q99K41 108 1 Associates with elastic fibers at the interface between
elastin and microfibrils; may play a role in the
development of elastic tissues including large blood
vessels, dermis, heart, and lung
35 Perlecan Hspg2 E9PZ16 470 30 BM-specific; serves as an attachment substrate for cells;
plays essential roles in vascularization; its cleaved
products (endorepellin and LG3) have antiangiogenic and
antitumor properties; binds to calcium and metal ions;
maintains the integrity of BM
36 Lumican Lum P51885 38 13 A proteoglycan class II member of the small leucine-rich
proteoglycan family; binds to other extracellular
components and mediates collagen fibril organization;
ubiquitously distributed in most mesenchymal tissues;
regulates epithelial cell migration and tissue repair
Other ECM
37 Titin Ttn A2ASS6 3906 9 Essential component of sarcomeres in striated muscles;
provides structural support, flexibility, and stability to cell
structures; mediates chemical signaling; serves as
connections between microfilaments; contributes to the
fine balance of forces between the two halves of
38 Perilipin 1 Plin1 Q8CGN5 56 5 Coats lipid storage droplets in adipocytes, thereby
protecting them until they can be broken down by
hormone-sensitive lipase; phosphorylation of perilipin is
essential for the mobilization of fats in adipose tissues
39 Perilipin 4 Plin4 O88492 139 3 Highly expressed in white adipose tissues, with lower
expression in heart, skeletal muscle, and brown adipose
tissues; coats lipid droplets in adipocytes to protect them
from lipases
40 Elastin Eln P54320 72 3 The major component of elastic fibers for structural support of
tissues; participates in ECM organization; allows tissues to
resume their shape after stretching or contracting; a major
contributor to tissue stiffness
41 Dermatopontin Dpt Q9QZZ6 24 3 A proteoglycan-binding cell adhesion protein that
potentially functions in cell-matrix interactions through
integrins; may enhance TGFB1 activity, inhibit cell
proliferation, accelerate collagen fibril formation, and
stabilize collagen fibrils against low-temperature