Figure 4. LH5 drives EPOR TMD peptides into dimers in detergent micelles.
(A) 1H,15N- HSQC spectrum of 15N-labelled hEPOR217-277 in DHPC micelles with assignments indicated. (B) Zoomed-in contour plots of hEPOR Ala245 and Leu230 from 1H,15N- HSQC spectra. Peaks from hEPOR217-277 at 30-times molar excess of DHPC are depicted in black, peaks at 60-times molar excess of DHPC in red, and peaks with LH5 in a ratio of LH5:hEPOR:DHPC of 1:1:30 in blue. Increasing the amounts of DHPC or adding LH5 induced opposite effects as indicated by arrows. (C) Weighted chemical shift changes of 15N-hEPOR217-277 backbone amides per residue upon increasing the molar excess of DHPC from 30 to 60 times (red bars) or addition of LH5 in a molar ratio of 1:1 (blue bars). The same residues were affected by LH5 and DHPC, but the peaks move in opposite directions. The hEPOR TMD is indicated by a black horizontal line. Diamonds on the x-axis indicate proline residues, overlapping peaks, and missing assignments. (D) Weighted chemical shift changes of Leu230 and Ala245 backbone amides induced by addition of LH5, LH5-L9I or LH5-I10L at molar ratios of one traptamer molecule to two hEPOR TMDs (1:2) and two traptamer molecules to two hEPOR TMDs (2:2). (E) Weighted chemical shift changes of 15N-hEPOR217-277 Ala245 and Leu230 backbone amides induced by addition of LH5 at different molar ratios of LH5 to hEPOR217-277 in DHPC micelles. Two individual titrations were performed, one from 0:1 to 1:1 (corresponding to the 2:2 traptamer:EPOR TMD ratio) and the other from 0:1 to 4:1 (corresponding to the 8:2 traptamer:EPOR TMD ratio) molar ratio of LH5 to hEPOR217-277. The titration point at 1:1 was recorded in each series. A hyperbola is indicated to guide the eye. (F) 1H,15N- HSQC spectrum of 15N-labelled hGHR238-274 in DHPC micelles. (G) Zoomed-in contour plots of two selected peaks of hGHR from 1H,15N- HSQC spectra. Peaks from hGHR238-274 at 60-times molar excess of DHPC are depicted in black, peaks at 120-times molar excess of DHPC in red, and peaks with LH5-L9I in a ratio of LH5-L9I:hEPOR:DHPC of 2:1:60 in blue. Addition of LH5-L9I did not induce a change in chemical shifts as indicated by the near-complete overlap of the black and blue peaks (Figure 4—figure supplement 3). The extent of the chemical shift changes in the hGHR238-274 spectra is illustrated in the bar graphs showing the changes induced by the DHPC in red and by LH5-L9I in blue for the peaks shown on the left.