Figure 4. Breast myxoma harboring a somatic truncating PRKAR1A mutation.
Representative micrographs of MFA6, which was the single case found to harbor a somatic inactivating mutation in PRKAR1A (S307*), which was reclassified as a breast myxoma upon histologic re-review. A) Low-power magnification (20X). B) Low-power magnification displaying undefined borders and dissection of surrounding stroma by the myxoid matrix (40X). C) Intermediate magnification showing highly myxoid and hypocellular stroma (100X). D) Sanger sequence electropherogram of normal sample. E) Sanger sequence electropherogram of stromal component. F) Sanger sequence electropherogram of epithelial component. Red and black arrows are representative of the presence or absence, respectively, of the S307* PRKAR1A mutation.