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. 2017 Sep 13;10:28. doi: 10.1186/s12245-017-0155-6

Table 3.

Intubation equipment and alternate intubation equipment in the Japanese emergency departments (EDs) that responded to the surveya

Equipment item N (%)
Direct laryngoscope and adjunct equipmentb
 Curved laryngoscope blade (Macintosh type) 324 (100)
 Assorted sizes 319 (98.5)
 Straight laryngoscope blade (Miller type) 179 (55.2)
 Assorted sizes 159 (49.1)
 McCoy laryngoscope 55 (17.0)
 Stylet 321 (99.1)
 Gum elastic bougie 159 (49.1)
Alternate intubation equipment
 Rigid video laryngoscopeb 285 (88.0)
 Airway scope® 228 (70.4)
 McGRATH MAC® 162 (50.0)
 GlideScope® 11 (3.4)
 C-MAC® 10 (3.1)
 King Vision® 6 (1.9)
 Other 8 (2.5)
 Flexible fiberscope 195 (60.2)
 Retrograde intubation kit 9 (2.8)
 Surgical airway equipment 310 (95.7)
 Cricothyroidotomy kit 246 (75.9)
 Only scalpel and hemostat 64 (19.8)

aBased on the replies of 324 of the 530 EDs queried

bEDs may have more than one of the specified equipment items