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. 2017 Mar 16;44(4):240–254. doi: 10.1159/000453320

Table 3.

Reported errors by category – number and rates

Error category Subcategory Number of reports Rate of all errors, %
Avoidable, delayed or undertransfusion (no near misses) Avoidable, discarded /wasted blood products 6 2.01
Delayed 22 6.15
Overtransfusion / TACO 9 3.02
Undertransfusion 3 1.01
Coagulation management and dosing error 20 6.71

Sum 60 18.6

Incorrect blood component transfused Wrong kind of blood product transfused 8 2.68
For mismatches during actual administrations or near misses see table 4
Unmatched 2 0.67
 Wrong blood or recipient Incompatible 6 2.01
 Wrong blood or recipient Compatible 30 (for details see table 4) 10.1
Specific requirements for component not met 1 0.34

Sum 47 15.8

Errors related to preoperative donation or cell salvage Use and production of autologous products 11 3.69
Cell saver defect (technical) 1 0.34
Mismatch of products following disconnection or confusion of autologous products 1 0.34

Sum 13 4.36

Patient identification (ID) Screen and/or type test probe from wrong patient 9 3.02
Laboratory test or bedside test from wrong patient 2 0.67
Administration of blood /coagulation product 5 1.68

Sum 16 5.37

Handling and storage errors
 Labeling Labeling of blood samples/probes/ tubes 7 2.35
Labeling of chart, blood order forms or other documents 2 0.67
Labeling of blood products /coagulation products /drugs 5 1.68
 Laboratory Laboratory/POCT error including result output and pre-analytic errors 10 3.36
Testing error 1 0.34
 Storage Storage errors 4 1.34
Temperature deviation 3 1.01
Component expiry 1 0.34
 Product release Unit booking-off from depot or blood bank 5 1.68
 Transport Transport error 1 0.34

Sum 39 13.1

Administration error
 Indication Indication for transfusion erroneous due to lab or preanalytic error, missing guideline coverage etc. 8 2.68
 Blood management Uncorrected preoperative anemia 1 0.34
Transfusion trigger unrecognized 5 1.68
Urgency of blood use 3 1.01
Volume status assessment related to transfusion 6 2.01
 Consent Informed consent not done 1 0.34
 Blood order Blood order error (missed, incorrect, wrong patient, missing data) 5 1.68
 Bedside test Bedside test not done 1 0.34
Bedside test wrongly interpreted / wrongly done 4 1.34
 Preparation of transfusion procedure administration Type and Screen, crossmatch 6 2.01
Pretransfusion procedure 12 4.03
Timing 5 1.68
Delegation of transfusion 2 0.67
Screening test result expiry 2 0.67
Multiple transfusion processes for various patients synchronously or massive transfusion as contributing factor 9 3.02
Double unit administration 3 1.01
 Monitoring Monitoring during administration 1 0.34
 Documentation Documentation of administration 1 0.34

Sum 75 25.2

Errors related to IT
Wrong record selected 0 0
Failure to consult or identify historical record 1 0.34
Warning flag not updated or removed in error 0 0
Computer or other IT systems failure 1 0.34
Incorrect entry 2 0.67
Electronic blood order 3 1.01
Administrator/system related error 0 0

Sum 7 2.35

Errors related to analog documentation paper based forms/charts/documentation Unreadable, wrong chart, etc. 4 1.34

Sum 4 1.34

Other equipment failure Technical failure of used equipment 4 1.34
Wrong use of equipment or no equipment 5 1.68
Understaffing 3 1.01

Sum 12 4.03

Communication Subject to subject (interindividually/interinstitutionally) 20 6.71
Subject and technique including IT, laboratory and monitoring 5 1.68

Sum 25 8.39

Total sum 298 100

ID = Identity check; IT = information technology; KIS = hospital information system; POCT = point of care testing; TACO = transfusion associated circulatory overload.