For each study
k, compute the gene-level statistics: same as Step I of
Algorithm 1.
Within study k, randomly permute Ykss M times, and calculate the permuted statistics
for 1 ≤ m ≤ M and 1 ≤ k ≤ K.
For each study k, randomly choose one pair of permuted statistics from the M pairs obtained in Step 1, and denote the selected pair by
. In the RE model, calculate the corresponding
. Repeat this process N times to obtain
for the FE model or
for the RE model, where n = 1, …, N. Note that we usually choose N ≫ M for computational efficiency, but require N ≪ MK to remove the effect of repeatedly using the same M permutations for each study (e.g., for K = 5, set M = 50, and N = 1000).
Compute Qg for the original data and
for the N sets of K permuted studies, based on the FE model or RE model.
Estimate P-values of by the permutation for 1 ≤ g ≤ G:
Set enrichment analysis: same as Step III of
Algorithm 1.