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. 2015 Dec 1;2:1482–1488. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2015.11.007

Table 3.

Frequencies of mutant spots on wings of D. melanogaster MH descendants derived from standard (ST) and high bioactivation (HB) crosses, after chronic treatment of larvae with different concentrations of EOP.

Genotypes and
concentration (%)
Number of flies (N) Spots per fly (number of spots) statistical diagnosisa
Small single spots (1⿿2 cells)bm = 2 Large single spots
(>2 cells)bm = 5
Twin spots m = 5 Total spots m = 2 Spots with
mwh clonesc
Frequency of clone formation per 105 cells per cell divisiond
mwh/flr3 Fr N D Fr N D Fr N D Fr N D Cf

DXR 40 1.95 (39) + 1.50 (30) + 1.35 (27) + 4.80 (96) +
Negative control 20 0.70 (14) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.70 (14) 14 1.43
EOP (0.05) 40 0.18 (7) ⿿ 0 (0) i 0.03 (1) i 0.20 (8) ⿿ 08 0.41 ⿿1.02
EOP (0.1) 40 0.18 (7) ⿿ 0.08 (3) i 0 (0) i 0.25 (10) ⿿ 10 0.51 ⿿0.92
EOP (0.2) 40 0.38 (15) ⿿ 0 (0) i 0.05 (2) i 0.43 (17) ⿿ 17 0.87 ⿿0.56

DXR 40 0.80 (16) + 0.70 (14) + 0.60 (12) + 2.10 (42) +
Negative control 40 0.60 (24) 0.05 (2) 0 (1) 0.65 (26) 26 1.54
EOP (0.05) 40 0.70 (28) ⿿ 0.05 (2) i 0 (0) i 0.75 (30) ⿿ 30 1.33 0.20
EOP (0.1) 40 0.45 (18) ⿿ 0.13 (5) i 0.03 (1) i 0.40 (16) ⿿ 15 1.43 ⿿0.56
EOP (0.2) 40 0.68 (27) ⿿ 0.13 (5) i 0.05 (2) i 0.85 (34) i 34 1.54 0.41

Statistical diagnosis (D) according to Frei and Würgler [21]: +, positive; w+, weakly positive; ⿿, negative; i, inconclusive. m, multiplication factor for assessment of significantly negative results. Significance levels: α = β = 0.05 when compared with respective control. Fr: frequency. N: number of spots.


Including rare flr3 single spots.


Considering mwh clones from mwh single and twin spots.


Only single mwh spots were observed in heterozygous mwh/TM3 individuals, since TM3 balancer chromosome does not carry the mutant flr3 gene.


Induction frequencies corrected for spontaneous incidence estimated from negative controls.


C = 48 800 (approximate number of examined cells per fly).