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. 2017 Sep 4;358:j3808. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j3808

Table 1.

Situation analysis and monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in Indonesia: results summary June 2016

Indicators Phases Phase achieved in Indonesia
1—Exploration and adoption 2—Programme installation 3—Initial implementation 4—Full operation 5—Sustainable operation
1. National AMR action plan
NAP in line with GAP-AMRGAP No action plan or no national multisectoral committee or AMR committee established but involving one ministry AMR working group established and national action plan under way Action plan aligned with GAP including operational plan with defined activities and respective budget available Action plan includes operational plan being rolled out and scaled up with defined activities and respective budget Action plan includes operational plan being rolled out and scaled up with defined activities and respective budget 2+
2. Awareness raising
Awareness campaigns to the public Government not involved in awareness raising activities on antibiotic resistance Some government led activities in parts of the country to raise awareness about AMR and actions to tackle it Nationwide, government led antibiotic awareness campaign targeting the general public or professionals Nationwide, government led antibiotic awareness campaign targeting public and professionals Assessing effects of government led awareness campaigns on behaviour changes in public and professionals 3+
Education and training strategies for professionals No policy or strategy Relevant policies developed but ad hoc training courses in some disciplines AMR included in some preservice training or special courses or both
Continuous professional development and regular audit of learning
AMR included in some preservice training or some special courses or both
Continuous professional development and regular audit of learning
AMR included in preservice training for all relevant cadres
Regular continuing professional development
3. National AMR surveillance system
National human AMR surveillance No capacity for AMR laboratory or limited reporting or both, or no surveillance guidelines Guidelines developed but not fully implemented. Limited quality data and analysis and not fully representative of country Standardised national AMR surveillance in place and representative of country but limited number of operational sites Surveillance in place and functional to monitor AMR trends accurately and timely but no contributing data to GLASS National AMR surveillance regularly assessed and adjusted; and contributing to GLASS 2−
National laboratory network strengthening No national network developed A national network with testing according to the international standards is planned A national reference laboratory is identified, and quality assured laboratory networks have been developed only at few surveillance sites A national network of EQA health laboratories has been developed in most or all surveillance sites A laboratory network is established, EQA measures are in place, and the reference laboratory has demonstrated capacity for research 1
4. Rational use of antimicrobials and surveillance of use and sale (community based)
A national AMR containment policy for control of human use of antimicrobials; AMR stewardship (AMS) No or weak national policy and plan, regulations for antimicrobial use, and availability National AMS programme (AMSP) planned and under development AMSP is developed, including tools to implement and monitor AMS progress and impact AMSP implemented by relevant institutions. Regulations for antimicrobial use and availability are implemented in limited capacity A national AMSP for control of human use of antimicrobials has been implemented and enforced for more than 2 years 4
National Regulatory Authorities (NRA) or Drug Regulatory Authorities (DRA) No official NRA or DRA or those existing have limited capacity NRA or DRA with limited capacity but strategic planning in place for capacity building and appropriate budgeting NRA or DRA system set up for oversight but not fully functional Tools for quality assurance and registration of antibiotics in place and inspection implemented but limited capacity for enforcement of policies and regulation Competent and functional NRA or DRA with capacity to ensuring or enforcing antibiotic quality standards,to take measures against substandard products and to inspect pharmacies 4
Surveillance of antimicrobial use and sales in humans No guidelines for surveillance of use or sales of antimicrobials or both National policy and plan on surveillance of use of antimicrobials under development or developed and approved but not implemented (surveillance in individual facilities and national level sales) Monitoring sales of antimicrobials at national level not implemented. Monitoring of use is irregular and limited to few facilities that are not representative National sales data are collected on a regular basis (every 1-2 years). Data are collected from a small and not representative sample individual healthcare facilities. No established analysis with national AMR laboratory based surveillance National sales data are collected on a regular basis (every 1-2 years). AMU surveys are conducted in a representative sample of facilities and translated into actions. Links with national AMR surveillance data are analysed and reported 3
5. Infection prevention control and AMR stewardship programme
AMR stewardship programme in healthcare setting No national AMR stewardship policy or operational plan is available or approved A national IPC or AMR policy or operational plan is available but weak. SOPs, guidelines, and protocols not available to all hospitals (limited updates) National IPC, AMR aligned IPC, or AMR plans implemented in limited number of healthcare settings National IPC, AMR aligned IPC, or AMR plans are implemented in about all healthcare settings IPC or AMR measures are widely implemented and regularly evaluated and shared 3
IPC programme in healthcare setting No national IPC policy, guidelines, or action plans to mandate IPC in healthcare settings A national capacity building programme, or operational plan, is developed. SOPs, guidelines, and protocols are developed and available but not implemented IPC programme and capacity building plans are implemented in selected healthcare settings IPC programme and capacity building plans implemented nationwide IPC capacity building and programme effectiveness are regularly evaluated and shared 3
National HAI and related AMR surveillance No policies, limited national plan and guidelines to mandate hospitals for HAI surveillance Few public and private facilities have HAI surveillance but data not centralised at national level Few public and private facilities have HAI surveillance and share data at national level Centralised data on HAI from several hospitals but with limited capacity for data analysis and detection Monitoring and response frameworks established to identify critical HAI events, especially related to emergence of AMR indicator bacteria against critical drugs 2−
6. Research and innovation
Research and development and innovation on AMR prevention and containment (plus research funding) No policies fostering research environment although capacity exists for research Policies planned and existing structure has a plan to foster research and innovation on AMR Presence of policies and investments to foster research and innovation on AMR Research consortium and dynamic research programme are ongoing led by government agenda Government led research outputs related to AMR global research agenda 2
7. One Health engagement
A national AMR containment policy and regulatory framework for control of animal use and their registration for use No national policy or plan to reduce use of antibiotics National policy and plan on use of antimicrobials developed and approved or regulatory framework for control of animal use and their registration for use is developed but not implemented Implementation of policy and plan but limited capacity for monitoring use and quality of drugs Policy and plan implemented with some capacity for monitoring but limited capacity for enforcement Policy and plan implemented with proper capacity for monitoring and increased capacity for enforcement 2
National surveillance of AMR and use and sales of antimicrobials at national level in the veterinary sector No or weak national policy and guidelines Limited capacity for surveillance of sales, AMR, or AMU Some capacity and data generated from sales, AMR or AMU Some comparative analysis of surveillance data between AMR and AMU Comprehensive approach of surveillance with coordinated analysis between humans and animals 2
Infection prevention and control in the animal sector No policy and national guidelines developed for biosecurity to reduce infection rates in food and both large producers and small holders Policies and national guidelines in line with international standards planned including vaccination policy and Codex Alimentarius standards Limited implementation, particularly in large producers Full implementation Fully implemented in multiple areas with a monitoring framework in place 3
AMR awareness generation and education in the animal sector No policies or strategies exist or are only planned Policies or strategies developed AMR in some pre-service training or special courses or both
Continuous professional development and regular audit of learning
AMR in some pre-service training or special courses or both
Continuous professional development and regular audit of learning
Effect of education programme on behaviour changes is assessed 1

NAP=national action plan; GAP-AMR=global action plan on antimicrobial resistance; AMR=antimicrobial resistance; GLASS= global AMR surveillance system; EQA= external quality assurance; API=active pharmaceutical ingredient; IPC= infection, prevention, and control; SOP= standard operating procedures; HAI=health associated infection; AMU= antimicrobial use.