(A) Testicular section of control rats 100×. (B and C) Testicular sections of MSG (high dose) treated rats showing (B) seminiferous tubules filled by spermatogenic cells up to spermatid only with no sperm formation (SA, spermatogenic arrest). (C) Showing seminiferous tubules filled by primary spermatogonia only with no sperm formation (spermatogenic arrest) (PSC, primary spermatogenic cells). (D) Vit. E treated rats (high dose) testicular tissues showing normal seminiferous tubules surrounded by edematous stroma containing small groups of leydig cells (SE, seminiferous tubules; ES, edematous stroma). (E) Selenium treated rats (high dose) Showing seminiferous tubules lined by layers of spermatogenic cells up to sperm formation and surrounded by thin basement membrane (SC, spermatogenic cells). (F) MSG (high dose) + vit. E (high dose) showing seminiferous tubules lined by few layers of spermetrogenic cells and few sperms (FSC, few spermatogenic cells). (G) MSG (high dose) + selenium (high dose) Showing seminiferous tubules lined by few layers of spermetrogenic cells and moderate number sperms (MNS, moderate number of sperm).