Mean Wellness Policy Comprehensiveness and Strength Scores by Section and Template Type Used Among SNAK School Districts
Wellness Policy Section | All Policies (n = 48), M % [95% CI] | MASB Policies (n = 21), M % [95% CI] | Policy Company Policies (n = 21), M % [95% CI] | NANA + Other Policies (n = 6), M % [95% CI] |
Nutrition education | ||||
Comprehensivenessa,b | 62.0 [55.4, 68.7] | 73.6 [66.1, 81.0] | 58.7 [52.5, 64.9] | 33.3 [2.8, 63.9] |
Strength | 31.5 [27.9, 35.1] | 33.86 [30.6, 37.1] | 32.3 [28.2, 36.3] | 20.4 [−1.5, 42.3] |
School meals | ||||
Comprehensiveness | 35.1 [28.9, 41.3] | 34.1 [24.6, 43.5] | 32.6 [27.3, 37.9] | 47.4 [14.2, 80.7] |
Strength | 21.2 [16.4, 25.9] | 18.3 [11.5, 25.1] | 20.51 [16.2, 24.8] | 33.3 [7.5, 59.1] |
Competitive foods | ||||
Comprehensivenessa | 33.2 [25.7, 40.5] | 48.9 [39.3, 58.6] | 15.4 [8.7, 22.2] | 40.2 [14.9, 65.6] |
Strengtha | 5.5 [1.8, 9.1] | 6.1 [2.9, 9.3] | 0 (n/a) | 22.4 [−1.3, 46.1] |
Physical education | ||||
Comprehensivenessa,b | 35.4 [29.8, 41.1] | 46.8 [37.6, 56.0] | 28.6 [24.7, 32.4] | 19.6 [2.4, 36.8] |
Strengtha | 24.1 [20.3, 28.0] | 30.8 [24.9, 36.8] | 19.6 [16.2, 23.0] | 16.7 [1.6, 31.8] |
Physical activity | ||||
Comprehensiveness | 45.2 [37.4, 53.0] | 53.3 [42.1, 64.6] | 40.0 [30.5, 49.5] | 35.0 [1.0, 69.0] |
Strength | 29.4 [23.5, 35.2] | 37.1 [29.4, 44.9] | 23.3 [15.7, 31.0] | 23.3 [−1.4, 48.1] |
Communication | ||||
Comprehensivenessa | 42.4 [35.4, 49.4] | 54.4 [43.4, 65.3] | 34.1 [27.5, 40.8] | 29.2 [3.7, 54.7] |
Strengtha | 25.9 [19.0, 32.8] | 40.1 [30.1, 50.1] | 12.7 [7.2, 18.2] | 22.2 [−4.3, 48.8] |
Evaluation | ||||
Comprehensiveness | 54.9 [47.5, 62.3] | 61.9 [50.1, 73.7] | 54.3 [47.5, 60.5] | 33.3 [0.9, 65.7] |
Strength | 12.5 [7.5, 17.5] | 11.9 [7.8, 16.0] | 8.7 [5.0, 12.5] | 27.8 [−7.6, 63.1] |
Total | ||||
Comprehensivenessa | 40.3 [34.5, 46.1] | 50.8 [41.8, 59.8] | 31.5 [27.1, 35.8] | 34.6 [9.9, 59.2] |
Strengtha | 18.8 [15.2, 22.4] | 22.6 [18.3, 26.8] | 13.8 [11.5, 16.1] | 23.1 [0.4, 45.8] |
NOTE: SNAK = School Nutrition Advances Kids; CI = confidence interval; MASB = Michigan Association of School Boards; NANA = National Alliance for Nutrition & Activity.
= MASB significantly > Policy Company.
= MASB significantly > NANA + Other.