The percent of expected pupae was determined for the following genotypes: trio-mutant, trio-mutant background (trioM89
/ trioP1); seq-enhanced, seq-enhanced trio mutants (seq9.17
/ +; trioM89
/ trioP1); R-pan neural, rescue by pan-neural trio expression in the seq-enhanced trio mutant background (GAL4-elav.L / seq9.17; trioM89
/ trioP1, UAS-trio.B); R-class IV da, rescue by class IV da trio expression in the seq-enhanced trio mutant background (GAL4-ppk1.9, UAS-mCD8GFP / seq9.17; trioM89
/ trioP1, UAS-trio.B). N = 15 for all genotypes. ANOVA p-value <0.0001; *** indicates pair-wise statistical significance at p<0.001 as compared to *seq*-enhanced. R-pan neural and R-class IV da are also statistically different from each other at p<0.001. Error bars represent the standard error of the means.