Figure 4.
TGF-β signaling is abundant in cervical cancer tissue. A) Representative image of tissue from a patient with cervical cancer of the “pushing” type stained with DAPI (DNA, orange), anti-CD8 (yellow), anti-CD103 (blue) and anti-pSMAD2/3 (green) antibodies. B) Representative single and multichannel images of the tumor area from A showing predominant localization of CD8+ cells in the pSMAD2/3+ stromal region and CD8+ CD103+ cells in the pSMAD2/3+ epithelial region. Insets represent areas magnified in panels C and D. C-D) Representative images of CD8+ and CD103+ cells in magnified epithelial (C) or stromal areas (D) of tumor tissue as indicated by insets in B. E) Quantification of CD8+, CD103+ and/or pSMAD2/3+ cells in the stroma and epithelial areas of the “pushing” tumors or total of the “desmoplastic” tumors. Each data point represents a cell count from a 40μm2 independent region of 18 independent tumors (3–6 in total per tumor section). Groups were compared by ANOVA using a Dunns post-test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.