(A) Confocal mosaic z-projected image of the ventral midbrain showing TH (green, left) and PAG (magenta, right) immunoreactivity. Merged image (center) shows that some TH+ DA neurons co-express PAG (white). The specificity of the PAG antibody was verified in GLS1 KO mice; see Figure 1—figure supplement 1A. (B) Magnified confocal images in the VTA (left) and SNc (right) showing TH+ only (thin blue arrow), PAG+ only (blue arrow head) and TH+/PAG+ cells (thick blue arrow). (C) Stereological counts of TH+ only (green), PAG+ only (magenta) and TH+ / PAG+ (white) cells in the VTA and SNc of juvenile (P25) wild type mice (n = 4). Cell numbers in the VTA (TH+only = 4681, PAG+only = 3411, TH+ / PAG+=3673) were greater than in the SNc (TH+only = 2564, PAG+only = 2909, TH+ / PAG+=2595) (two-way ANOVA: main effect of brain region, F(1,18)= 18.36; p<0.001; effect size (ES) partial η2 = 0.51), but the relative proportions of cell types did not differ between regions(main effect of cell type, F(2,18)= 1.22; p=0.318; cell type X brain region interaction, F(2,18)= 2.70; p=0.094). (D) Single-cell RT-PCR analysis of cells expressing TH mRNA, in the VTA and SNc of juvenile mice (P25-37), showing the percentage of cells that co-expressed PAG and VGLUT2 mRNA. In the VTA, most cells were either TH+ only (7/22) or TH+/PAG +/VGLUT2+(8/22); there were also TH+/PAG+ cells (5/22) and rarely TH+/VGLUT2+ (2/22). In the SNc, most cells were either TH+ only (5/12) or TH+/PAG+ cells (6/12); and rarely TH+/PAG+/VGLUT2+ (1/12). No TH+ cells expressed GAD mRNA. For the full coexpression analysis, including GAD mRNA, see Figure 1—figure supplement 1B and C. (E) Comparison of the relative number of TH+ / PAG+ cells in juvenile (P25) and adult (P60) mice. In both the VTA and SNc, there was a significant increase in the number of TH+ / PAG+ cells. # indicates a significant main effect of age (two-way ANOVA, F(1,10)= 8.26; p=0.017, ES partial η2 = 0.45); there was no significant region effect (F(1,10)= 2.154; p=0.173), nor interaction, (F(1,10)= 0.846; p=0.379). See Figure 1—source data 1.xlsx for source data and all statistical analysis.
Figure 1—source data 1. Stereology of TH and PAG positive cells in the VTA and SNc in Juvenile and Adult.