Figure 2. DA neuron selective PAG deletion.
(A) PCR screens for the floxGLS1 allele (left) and ΔGLS1 allele (right) in brain regions from both GLS1lox/lox and DAT GLS cKO mice. The ΔGLS1 allele was present solely in DAT GLS1 cKO ventral midbrain. dStr, dorsal striatum; HIPP, hippocampus; VMB, ventral midbrain; CTX, cortex. Gel is representative of 3 replications. (B) Single-cell rtPCR analysis of TH expressing cells in the VTA in DATIREScre/+ and DAT GLS1 cKO mice. In the VTA of DATIREScre/+mice, 11/30 TH cells expressed PAG mRNA, while in DAT GLS1 cKO none did (0/38 cells). (C) Confocal photomicrographs of the VTA from DATIREScre/+ and DAT GLS1 cKO mice showing TH+ only (thin blue arrow) and PAG+ only (blue arrow head) and TH+/PAG+ cells (thick blue arrow). There were no TH+/PAG+ cells in the DAT GLS1 cKO ventral midbrain. Expression of dopaminergic markers and amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion were not affected in DATIREScre mice; see Figure 2—figure supplement 1. These mice were control (CTRL) mice in subsequent experiments.