Figure 4. RSV-induced activation of bone marrow-derived DC (BMDC) is inhibited by DHA and alters their ability to activate RSV responsive T cells.
(A) BMDC grown from naïve wildtype mice treated with either DHA (50 uM) or butyrate (1mM) for 16 hour prior to infection with RSV (MOI of 1.0). After 24 hrs supernatants were assessed for innate cytokine levels. (B) DHA (50 uM) treatment of RSV infected BMDC were assessed by flow cytometry for expression of activation/co-stimulatory protein expression. (C) RSV-infected BMDC with or without DHA (50 uM) treatment were combined with CD4 T cells isolated from the lung draining lymph nodes of 8 day RSV infected mice. After 48 h of activation the supernatants were assessed for T cell associated cytokine levels to determine the capacity of the DC for APC function. Data represents Mean ± SE from 3 repeats. *P<0.05.