Fig. 7. Bacterially-induced methyl-donor deficiency increases anxious behaviors.
ApoE−/− males and females were colonized with either the CC+ or CC− community and maintained for 4 weeks on a 1% (wt/wt) choline diet. Mating trios were formed (2 per community) and mothers carried pregnancies to term. (A) Parental infanticide. Pup survival was monitored during nursing. Bars represent average percentage of pups killed by infanticide over the course of 2 independent litters by 4 mothers/2 fathers per community. (B) F1 serum TMAO levels. Community composition can be found in Fig. S6. (C) Percentage of marbles buried by offspring (male and female) of GF ApoE−/− colonized with either the CC+ or CC− community (n=11–20/community). All values are averages ± SEMs. Values that were significantly different (Student’s t-test) are indicated: ****, P <0.0001.