MEPs were also tested with the TMS coil in the PA and AP (not shown) orientation by stimulating the right ipsilateral M1 at rest (green) or at 30% (blue) and 70% (orange) of MVC. For comparisons between M1 and S1 responses during the same motor tasks, here we also added the SSEP data recorded from the iS1 in the same subjects. A and C, MEP (A) traces show the average of 20 MEPs and SSEP (C) traces show the average of 300 SSEPs. B and D, group data (n = 8) showing the magnitude of MEPs (B) and the P25/N33 SSEP component (D) across conditions (rest = green bars, 30% of MVC = blue bars, 70% of MVC = orange bars). *
P < 0.05, comparison between rest and contraction.