Figure 7.
Actin-activated Pi release from Myo19-3IQ·ADP·Pi. The time course of transient Pi release. Myo19-3IQ·ADP·Pi (0.5 µM) after mixing with 0 (a) or 80 µM (b) F-actin in the presence of 8 µM PiBiP. Myo19-3IQ·ATP were aged for 300 ms before mixing with F-actin (λex = 436 nm, with 455-nm long-pass emission filter). The solid line represents the best fit to the sum of single exponential (initial burst) and linear (steady state turnover) function. Time course in the absence of the actin appears flat over the same timescale, as Pi release from myosin alone is very slow (0.05 s−1).