Figure 2.
Cryptochrome reaction schemes for magnetoreception. (a) The photocycle that accounts for the magnetic field effect on AtCry123. (b) The same reaction scheme augmented by a spin-selective reaction of the flavin radical with a scavenger, C. Abbreviations used for different states of the protein are: RP, radical pair state; G, ground state; S, signalling state; X, scavenging product state. Abbreviations used for reaction partners: F, flavin adenine dinucleotide; WH, terminal residue of the Trp triad/tetrad. Superscript dots indicate radicals. Superscript numbers are spin multiplicities. FH• and W• are (de)protonated forms of the initially formed radicals, F•− and WH•+. The dashed arrows indicate processes that regenerate G, typically on a slow timescale, but which are not essential for the function of the sensor. The photo-excited singlet state of the FAD is not shown.