Figure 4.
Dynamic protein expression of β-Catenin and Axin2 during morphogenesis of DM3. (A-F') Immunohistochemistry of β-Catenin and Axin2 during morphogenesis; Boxed regions in A,B,C,D,E,F were magnified in A',B',C',D',E',F'. (A-A') β-Catenin was expressed both in epithelium and mesenchyme at E40. (B-B') β-Catenin was mainly located in the epithelium at E50. The transition from E40 to E50 was similar with in situ hybridization. (C,C') At E60, β-Catenin was mainly expressed in IEE and odontoblasts. (D-D') Axin2 was expressed in the epithelium and the underlying mesenchyme region at E40. (E-E') Axin2 was mainly expressed in the IEE, OEE and dental papilla at E50. (F,F') At E60, Axin2 was mainly expressed in the IEE. Scale bars represent 50μm (A',B',D',E',F'), 100μm (A,B,C',D,E,F) and 200μm (C).