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. 2017 Sep 13;3(3):2055217317730097. doi: 10.1177/2055217317730097

Appendix Table 1.

MS Journal Appendix for MRI methodology.

 Field strength 3T
 Manufacturer Philips
 Model Achieva
 Coil type (e.g. head, surface) Head
 Number of coil channels 8
Acquisition sequence
 Type (e.g. FLAIR, DIR, DTI, fMRI) 3D Turbo spin echo
 Acquisition time 7:48
 Orientation Transverse
 Alignment (e.g. anterior commissure/ poster commissure line) Localized SI along the optic nerve
 Voxel size 0.55 mm isotropic
 TR 4000 ms
 TE 455 ms
 Flip angle 90°
 NEX 2
 Field of view 180 × 180 × 20 mm3
 Matrix size 328 × 328
 Parallel imaging Yes No
 If used, parallel imaging method: (e.g. SENSE, GRAPPA) SENSE = 2
 Cardiac gating Yes No
 If used, cardiac gating method: (e.g. PPU or ECG) N/A
 Contrast enhancement Yes No
 If used, provide name of contrast agent, dose and timing of scan post- contrast administration N/A
Other parameters: Recon Matrix = 512
TSE factor = 70
Turbo direction = radial
SPIR strength = strong
Image analysis methods and outputs
  Type (e.g. Gd-enhancing,  T2-hyperintense, T1-hypointense)
  Analysis method
  Analysis software
  Output measure (e.g. count  or volume [ml])
 Tissue volumes
  Type (e.g. whole brain, grey matter,  white matter, spinal cord)
  Analysis method
  Analysis software
  Output measure (e.g. absolute tissue  volume in ml, tissue volume as a  fraction of intracranial volume,  percentage change in tissue  volumes)
Tissue measures (e.g. MTR, DTI, T1-RT, T2-RT, T2*, T2’, 1H-MRS, perfusion, Na)
 Type (e.g. whole brain, grey matter, white matter, spinal cord, normal- appearing grey matter or white matter)
  Analysis method
  Analysis software
  Output measure
 Other MRI measures (e.g. functional MRI)
  Type (e.g. whole brain, grey matter,  white matter, spinal cord, normal-  appearing grey matter or white  matter)
  Analysis method
  Analysis software
  Output measure

Other analysis details:

FLAIR: fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; DIR: double inversion recovery; DTI: diffusion tensor imaging; fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging; 3D: three-dimensional; SI: superior-inferior; TR: repetition time; TE: echo time; TI: inversion time; NEX: number of excitations; SENSE: Sensitivity Encoding; GRAPPA: Generalized Autocalibrating Partial Parallel Acquisition; PPU: peripheral pulse unit; ECG: electrocardiogram; TSE: turbo spin echo; SPIR: spectral presaturation with inversion recovery; Gd: gadolinium; MTR: magnetization transfer ratio; DTI: diffusion tensor imaging; RT: relaxation times; 1H-MRS: proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging.