Figure 3. Reappraisal and perceived reappraisal success during CBGT and MBSR.
Weekly reappraisal increased significantly during CBGT (cognitive behavioral group therapy), b = 1.65, 95% CI [1.13, 2.17], t = 6.27, p < .001, and MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction), b = 1.50, 95% CI [0.98, 2.02], t = 5.69, p < .001. The session by group interaction was not significant, b = 0.15, 95% CI [−0.59, 0.89], t = 0.40, p = .69. Weekly perceived reappraisal success increased significantly during CBGT, b = 2.22, 95% CI [1.78, 2.67], t = 9.98, p < .001, and MBSR, b = 1.31, 95% CI [0.87, 1.75], t = 5.87, p < .001, with a significant session by group interaction indicating greater increases during CBGT (vs. MBSR), b = 0.91, 95% CI [0.29, 1.54], t = 2.89, p = .005.