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. 2017 Jul 28;186(5):581–592. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwx136

Table 3.

Predicted Differencesa in Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, and Percent Body Fat From Age 7 Years to Age 15 Years According to Tertile (Low, Medium, or Highb) of 2,5-Dichlorophenol Concentration Among Girls (n = 1,017) in the Breast Cancer and Environment Research Program, 2004–2015

Age (years) and Tertile Comparison Predicted Difference
Body Mass Indexc Waist Circumference, cm % Body Fat
Difference 95% CI Difference 95% CI Difference 95% CI
 Medium vs. low 0.13 −0.43, 0.62 0.58 −1.02, 2.18 1.22 −0.36, 2.54
 High vs. low −0.08 −0.66, 0.51 1.09 −0.64, 2.81 1.35 −0.28, 2.97
 High vs. medium −0.21 −0.74, 0.32 0.51 −1.07, 2.10 0.13 −1.33, 1.59
 Medium vs. low 0.39 −0.15, 0.94 1.31 −0.13, 2.76 1.66 0.25, 3.08
 High vs. low 0.41 −0.18, 1.01 2.15 0.57, 3.73 2.20 0.66, 3.74
 High vs. medium 0.02 −0.51, 0.55 0.84 −0.59, 2.27 0.54 −0.85, 1.92
 Medium vs. low 0.62 0.05, 1.19 1.91 0.45, 3.38 2.00 0.63, 3.37
 High vs. low 0.82 0.20, 1.44 3.07 1.47, 4.68 2.83 1.33, 4.32
 High vs. medium 0.20 −0.35, 0.76 1.16 −0.28, 2.61 0.83 −0.51, 2.17
 Medium vs. low 0.79 0.18, 1.40 2.38 0.81, 3.95 2.24 0.88, 3.59
 High vs. low 1.14 0.47, 1.80 3.85 2.14, 5.56 3.24 1.76, 4.71
 High vs. medium 0.34 −0.25, 0.94 1.48 −0.06, 3.02 1.00 −0.32, 2.32
 Medium vs. low 0.93 0.27, 1.58 2.70 1.01, 4.40 2.37 1.02, 3.71
 High vs. low 1.37 0.65, 2.08 4.50 2.65, 6.34 3.42 1.96, 4.89
 High vs. medium 0.44 −0.20, 1.08 1.79 0.13, 3.45 1.06 −0.26, 2.37
 Medium vs. low 1.02 0.31, 1.72 2.90 1.09, 4.71 2.39 1.04, 3.74
 High vs. low 1.51 0.74, 2.28 5.00 3.02, 6.97 3.39 1.92, 4.86
 High vs. medium 0.50 −0.19, 1.19 2.10 0.32, 3.88 1.00 −0.32, 2.31
 Medium vs. low 1.06 0.30, 1.82 2.96 1.03, 4.89 2.31 0.95, 3.68
 High vs. low 1.57 0.74, 2.40 5.36 3.25, 7.47 3.13 1.64, 4.62
 High vs. medium 0.51 −0.23, 1.25 2.40 0.51, 4.30 0.82 −0.52, 2.15
 Medium vs. low 1.07 0.24, 1.89 2.88 0.80, 4.96 2.13 0.73, 3.53
 High vs. low 1.55 0.65, 2.44 5.58 3.30, 7.86 2.65 1.12, 4.18
 High vs. medium 0.48 −0.32, 1.28 2.70 0.66, 4.74 0.52 −0.85, 1.89
 Medium vs. low 1.02 0.13, 1.91 2.67 0.37, 4.97 1.84 0.38, 3.31
 High vs. low 1.43 0.46, 2.40 5.67 3.16, 8.17 1.95 0.35, 3.55
 High vs. medium 0.41 −0.46, 1.28 2.99 0.75, 5.24 0.11 −1.32, 1.54

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.

a Models included 2,5-dichlorophenol concentration tertiles, age, age squared, a term for interaction between age and 2,5-dichlorophenol tertiles, a term for interaction between age squared and 2,5-dichlorophenol tertiles, and a term for interaction between race/ethnicity and age.

b Tertile cutpoints (median) for 2,5-dichlorophenol concentration: low, 2.3 μg/g creatinine; medium, 12 μg/g creatinine; high, 103 μg/g creatinine.

c Weight (kg)/height (m)2.