Figure 2.
Shared highly divergent loci across six pairs of the alpine and the montane ecotype of Heliosperma pusillum. (a) Joint distribution of FST and expected heterozygosity (H e) across all loci (i.e. haplotypes) between the two ecotypes in each pair. Average FST and number of highly divergent loci in each ecotype pair are indicated. Green dots: observed loci; gray lines: upper and lower bounds of the joint distribution of FST and H e estimated by 500 000 coalescence‐based simulations. (b) Significant overlap of highly divergent loci is found between B and C and among B, C and D. Gray bars, null distribution of shared highly divergent loci (1000 randomizations) under neutrality; red vertical lines, 95% quantiles of the null distribution; green vertical lines, observed number of shared highly divergent loci. See Figs S9–S11 for all possible comparisons with two, three and four ecotype pairs. (c) Joint distribution of FST between the alpine and the montane ecotypes between ecotype pairs with significantly over‐shared highly divergent loci.