Fig 5.
Wildtype crystal structure (PDB ID 1Z14) fitted into cryo-EM maps (surface rendered at 1 sigma) of MVMi wildtype (blue) (A), L172T (green) (B), V40A (yellow). The cut away view shows the five-fold channel of each map. N-terminal residues were built into the unfilled claw densities by tracing the alpha carbon backbone of wildtype residues 43-39 (red), L172T residues 46-39 (blue) and V40A 44-39 (purple). (D) High resolution HBoV-1 map shows claw-like features at the base of the five-fold with G33 being the first ordered residue of the N-terminus (EMDB-8598) (PDB ID: 5URF) (Mietzsch et al., 2017) for comparison to the wildtype MVM five-fold in panel A.