Table 1.
Components of the theoretical framework of analysis for “talking cure models.”
Framework components | Descriptions | Abbreviations |
1. Foundational theory | Theory that specifies general assumptions regarding function(s) of language (use) and its effects on human experience that are applied to therapeutic context | FOUND-THEORY |
2. Experiential problem state | Defines the problem/pathology (“why”) of patient that is supposed to be “cured” by linguistic activity | |
Experiential unit(s) | Dysfunctionally organized aspect(s) of experience that constitute/s problem/pathology of patient | EXP-UNIT |
Experiential focus | Scope of experiential unit(s) | |
Specific | Single or narrowly defined class of experiential unit(s) | >SPEC |
Global | Broadly defined or generic experiential unit(s) | >GLOB |
Problem-language-relation | Relation of problem/pathology of patient to linguistic unit(s) | P-L-REL |
Lack of language | Problem/pathology is due to incapacity to find linguistic unit(s) that represent experiential unit(s) | >LACK |
Expressed linguistically | Problem/pathology is represented by linguistic unit(s) | >EXPR |
3. Curative linguistic activity | Defines agent(s) (“who”) and means (“what”) of curative linguistic activity | |
Speaker position | Agent(s) of curative linguistic activity | SP-POS |
Patient | Patient is agent of linguistic activity | >PAT |
Therapist | Therapist is agent of linguistic activity | >THER |
Patient/Therapist | Patient and therapist are agents of linguistic activity and contribute equally to linguistic activity | >PAT/THER |
Patient + Therapist | Patient and therapist are agents of linguistic activity and patient has leading role | >PAT+THER |
Therapist + Patient | Patient and therapist are agents of linguistic activity and therapist has leading role | >THER+PAT |
Linguistic unit(s) | Linguistic activity that affects and curatively transforms experiential problem state | LING-UNIT |
Linguistic focus | Scope of linguistic unit(s) | |
Specific | Single or narrowly defined class of linguistic unit(s) | >SPEC |
Global | Broadly defined or generic linguistic unit(s) | >GLOB |
4. Change mechanism | Defines processes and effects (“how”) of curative linguistic activity | |
Process(es) | Process(es) by which linguistic activity curatively transforms experiential problem state | CM-PROC |
Effect(s) | Effect(s) generated by transformational process(es) | CM-EFF |
Primary effect(s) | Primary effect(s) of transformational process(es) | >PRIM |
Secondary effect(s) | Effect(s) generated by primary effect(s) of transformational process(es) | >SEC |