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. 2017 Sep 13;8:1589. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01589

Table 1.

Components of the theoretical framework of analysis for “talking cure models.”

Framework components Descriptions Abbreviations
1. Foundational theory Theory that specifies general assumptions regarding function(s) of language (use) and its effects on human experience that are applied to therapeutic context FOUND-THEORY
2. Experiential problem state Defines the problem/pathology (“why”) of patient that is supposed to be “cured” by linguistic activity
    Experiential unit(s)     Dysfunctionally organized aspect(s) of experience that constitute/s problem/pathology of patient     EXP-UNIT
    Experiential focus     Scope of experiential unit(s)
        Specific         Single or narrowly defined class of experiential unit(s)         >SPEC
        Global         Broadly defined or generic experiential unit(s)         >GLOB
    Problem-language-relation     Relation of problem/pathology of patient to linguistic unit(s)     P-L-REL
        Lack of language         Problem/pathology is due to incapacity to find linguistic unit(s) that represent experiential unit(s)         >LACK
        Expressed linguistically         Problem/pathology is represented by linguistic unit(s)         >EXPR
3. Curative linguistic activity Defines agent(s) (“who”) and means (“what”) of curative linguistic activity
    Speaker position     Agent(s) of curative linguistic activity     SP-POS
        Patient         Patient is agent of linguistic activity         >PAT
        Therapist         Therapist is agent of linguistic activity         >THER
        Patient/Therapist         Patient and therapist are agents of linguistic activity and contribute equally to linguistic activity         >PAT/THER
        Patient + Therapist         Patient and therapist are agents of linguistic activity and patient has leading role         >PAT+THER
        Therapist + Patient         Patient and therapist are agents of linguistic activity and therapist has leading role         >THER+PAT
    Linguistic unit(s)     Linguistic activity that affects and curatively transforms experiential problem state     LING-UNIT
    Linguistic focus     Scope of linguistic unit(s)
        Specific         Single or narrowly defined class of linguistic unit(s)         >SPEC
        Global         Broadly defined or generic linguistic unit(s)         >GLOB
4. Change mechanism Defines processes and effects (“how”) of curative linguistic activity
    Process(es)     Process(es) by which linguistic activity curatively transforms experiential problem state     CM-PROC
    Effect(s)     Effect(s) generated by transformational process(es)     CM-EFF
        Primary effect(s)         Primary effect(s) of transformational process(es)         >PRIM
        Secondary effect(s)         Effect(s) generated by primary effect(s) of transformational process(es)         >SEC