All TatA variants were expressed from the phage lambda attachment site in the ΔtatA ΔtatE strain JARV16. Mutant strains are identified by the amino acid substitutions present in TatA where EDD is K37E/K40D/K41D, and KKK is D45K/D46K/E47K. WT refers to the ΔtatE strain J1M1, and ΔTatA refers to the parental strain JARV16. (A) Whole cell (W), periplasm (P), and spheroplast (S) fractions of cells overproducing CueO from plasmid pQE80-CueO were subject to immunoblotting with antibodies against CueO or the cytoplasmic marker protein DnaK. m is the transported form of CueO from which the signal peptide has been removed and p the precursor protein. (B) Growth of the strains when cultured in LB/glycerol/TMAO medium under anoxic conditions. Error bars represent the S.E.M of three biological replicates. (C) Serial ten-fold dilutions of log-phase cultures were spotted onto LB-agar containing the indicated amount of SDS. (D) Immunoblot of membranes isolated from the strains used in A-C, probed with TatA antibodies (upper panels) or antibodies against TatB and TatC (lower panels).