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. 2017 Jun 8;60(4):555–573. doi: 10.1007/s00267-017-0893-5

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Graphs showing dry (August 2013, empty symbols) and wet (December 2013, solid symbols) season conditions at mining-separated surface sites (sa–sf; blue squares), groundwater wells (ga–gj; green diamonds), thermal sites (ta, tb; red circles) and main channel Antequera and Pazña River mining-associated sites (mb–mf; black triangles) for a pH, b electrical conductivity (dS/m), c manganese (mg/L), d boron (mg/L), e zinc (mg/L) and f fluoride (mg/L). Dashed lines indicate Bolivian A (‘Bol A’) and WHO (2011) guidelines for recommended pH range and maximum concentration of elements and for general recommended limit for electrical conductivity in drinking water (<0.9 dS/m)