Preoperative and postoperative electrocardiography. (A,B) Preoperative and
postoperative 12-lead surface electrocardiogram in a 71-year-old female with long
standing persistent atrial fibrillation and severe LVOT obstruction with severe
pulmonary hypertension undergoing the combined operation. An extended septal
myectomy, Cox-Maze IV and tricuspid annuloplasty were performed. See the
fibrillatory atrial waves in the preoperative ECG (upper left). On postoperative
6-month follow up sinus rhythm can be appreciated as well as the complete left
bundle branch block after septal myectomy (upper right). (C,D) Preoperative and
postoperative electrocardiogram of a 68-y-o female patient with long standing
persistent atrial fibrillation, severe LVOT obstruction and moderate aortic valve
stenosis undergoing transaortic septal myectomy, Cox-Maze IV and tissue aortic
valve replacement. Marked fibrillatory atrial waveforms can again be appreciated
preoperatively (C). In this case, restoration of sinus rhythm can be appreciated
but left bundle branch block did not occur (D). LVOT, left ventricular outflow