A) Sequence alignment of the mouse MKLP2 neck-linker sequence with the two other mouse kinesin-6s MKLP1 and MPP1 and MKLP2 from selected animal species. Species abbreviations are; Mm,
Mus musculus, Hs,
Homo sapiens, Gg,
Gallus gallus, Xl,
Xenopus laevis, Dr,
Danio rerio. Residue letters are coloured according to their properties according to the Clustal X scheme (
Larkin et al., 2007). Information on consensus, conservation and secondary structure is shown above the alignments. Sequence numberings for Kif5B (Kin1, green) and mouse MKLP2 (kinesin-6, blue) are shown adjacent to the secondary structure schematics. Highly conserved residues in plus end kinesins which remain conserved or have similar properties in kinesin-6s are boxed in light blue, whereas highly conserved kinesin residues which have diverged are boxed in black (see also
Figure 6D). Conserved hydrophobic residues participating in forming the CNB are marked by asterisks. Regions of the neck-linker involved in CNB formation or core-docking are indicated by dashed lines in orange and magenta, respectively. (
B) The cover-neck bundle (CNB) and docked-neck linker in the x-ray structure of tubulin-bound Kin1 Kif5b (PDB: 4HNA). Side chains are shown for conserved kinesin residues involved in CNB formation (region within the orange-dashed circle) and neck-linker docking (region within the magenta-dashed circle). Highly conserved residues that remain conserved or highly similar are annotated in cyan, whilst those that have diverged are annotated in black, in format
Kin1 amino-acid,
Kin1 amino-acid number, mouse MKLP2 amino-acid. (
C) Full neck-linker docking is observed in all structures with an ATP analogue and a ‘closed’ hydrolysis-competent nucleotide pocket apart from kinesin-6 MKLP2; Kin1 Kif5b (PDB: 4HNA, [
Gigant et al., 2013]), Kin3 Kif1a (PDB: 4UXR, [
Atherton et al., 2014]), Kin4 Kif4 (PDB: 3ZFD, [
Chang et al., 2013]), Kin5 Kif11 (PDB: 3HQD, [
Parke et al., 2010]). For MKLP2, a dashed magenta line is used to represent neck-linker flexibility.