Fractional abundance of the select isotopomers in the Δtggt1/iΔtgpepckmt tachyzoites labeled with [U-13C]glutamine. Isotope inclusion was evaluated by metabolic labeling of intracellular tachyzoites with [U-13C]glutamine (4 h, 37 °C, 5% CO2). Polar metabolites were isolated from isotope-labeled parasites and subjected to GC-MS analysis. M, unlabeled fraction; Sum, collective abundance of all 13C-containing isotopomers of a given metabolite. Only fragmented analytes were detectable for G6P and R5P. Note that our experimental design of metabolomics had to make a reasonable trade-off between obtaining a sufficient amount of purified tachyzoites for the metabolite measurements and maximum growth inhibition (a proxy for the enzyme activity). This trade-off was best met between days 3 and 4 of ATc treatment, on which the parasite growth is still nearly the half-maximum (see Fig. 5C). The obvious explanation for the residual labeling in the off-state mutant is that knockdown of PEPCKmt is incomplete in the conditions used to prepare samples for metabolomic analysis. In particular, when we inferred enzymatic activity from reduction in PEP labeling (a direct product of PEPCKmt), we observed a decline of ∼50%, which is consistent with the growth (half-maximum) at the time of sample collection. Statistical significance was determined separately for each group (with or without ATc) using Student's t test (n = 4 assays; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001). Error bars, S.E.