Figure 2.
Identification of protein interacting partners of human PKM1 using LC-MS-MS. A, immunoblots of Myc-His–tagged PKM1 and PKM2 from the protein lysates of H1299 stable cells, transfected with empty vector or Myc-His–tagged PKM1 cDNA. B, cytoscape map of PKM1 interactome, involving a total of 30 interacting partners of PKM1, co-immunoprecipitated with Myc-tagged PKM1 from H1299 lysate and identified using LC-MS-MS from two biological replicates. The identified interacting partners were further separated with distinct color codes and were marked as entities that were an integral part of cellular machinery, such as glycolytic pathway, mitochondrial electron transport chain, protein translational, protein folding, DNA replication, and cytoskeletal networks.