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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Public Health Manag Pract. 2017 Nov-Dec;23(6):618–626. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000550


Selected Indicators Proposed for Public Health Surveillance Related to Climate Change

Indicator Source of Proposed Indicator
A. Environmental domain

1. Heat
 Maximum, minimum, and diurnal temperature CSTE15
 Heating and cooling degree days EPA22; USGCRP23
 Future projections of extreme heat CDC24
 Historical extreme heat days and events CDC24
 Frequency of extreme heat events Upperman et al25
 Ambient air temperature ASTHO26

2. GHG
 CO2-equivalent GHG emissions per capita, by sector, eg, transportation and agriculture CSTE15

3. Air quality
 Air mass stagnation events CSTE15; NRC27
 Pollen count ASTHO26; CSTE15
 Change in length of ragweed pollen season EPA22
 Number of wildfires and percentage of total acres impacted by state CSTE15
 Frequency, severity, distribution, and duration of wildfires NRC7

4. Water safety
 Water temperature and turbidity ASTHO26
Rainfall from heavy precipitation events ASTHO26

5. Drought
 Drought events ASTHO26

6. Disease vectors
 Positive test results in mosquito sentinels and reservoirs CSTE15
 Spatial distribution of vectors/sentinel species for emerging vector-borne diseases ASTHO26

7. Food supply
 Length of growing season EPA22

8. Land use
 Deforestation and other land use trends NRC27

B. Vulnerability domain

1. Demographic characteristics
 General community vulnerability to climate-related events ASTHO26
 People older than 65 y and younger than 5 y, with chronic and mental diseases, incapacities, who live alone, have low incomes, live in urban heat islands, lack access to a public pool within 1 km, lack public transit access to a beach, or lack access to a park or green area within 500 m Bernier et al28
 Percentage of population 5 y old and older with a disability CDC24
 Percentage of population ever diagnosed with diabetes Manangan et al29
 Age-adjusted estimates of percentage of adults 20 y of age or older with diagnosed diabetes CDC24
 Rate of hospitalization for heart disease among Medicare beneficiaries over a 7-y period CDC24
 Age-adjusted rate of hospitalization for heart attack among persons aged 35 y and older per 10 000 population CDC24
 Access to cooling centers CSTE15
 Population density CDC24
 Percent population of a race other than white CDC24
 Percent or number of population below the poverty line Manangan et al29
 Median household income CDC24
 Percent population 65 y of age or older and living alone CDC24
 Location and vulnerability of populations at highest health risk following extreme weather events ASTHO26; NRC27
 Location of, and number of children and others served by day care centers, schools, and health care centers; proportion of those facilities that are air conditioned Bernier et al28
 Populations living at low elevations Frumkin et al30
 Percentage of people without health insurance CDC24

2. Vulnerability of locations and resources

 Per capita availability of health care facilities, professionals, supplies, equipment NRC27
 Hospital counts CDC24
 Hospitals per 100 000 people CDC24
 Urban areas, school day care centers, and health centers sensitive to heat waves and extreme weather events Bernier et al28
 Local/regional food production locations and volume ASTHO26
 Capacity to store and deliver food during and after extreme weather events ASTHO26
 Energy and water efficiency of facilities and equipment in food service establishments ASTHO26
 Percentage of census tract area not covered in vegetation Manangan et al29
 Percentage of forest cover CDC24
 Percentage of cultivated crop land use CDC24
 Percentage of developed land use CDC24

3. Exposure to risk factors
 Location of chemical facilities at risk of extreme weather events ASTHO26
 Rates of agricultural chemical application ASTHO26
 Exposure to injury from transportation used during and after extreme weather events ASTHO26

C. Health domain

1. Heat-related
 Heat-related death rate EPA22
 Rate of deaths, hospitalizations, and ED visits during summer months CSTE15
 Number and rate of heat stress ED visits and hospitalizations CDC24
 Excess daily all-cause mortality due to heat Cheng and Berry20

2. Utilization of health care services
 ED and ambulatory care visits, hospital admission, mortality, mental health outcomes Frumkin et al30

3. Morbidity and mortality
 Daily nonaccidental mortality Cheng and Berry20
 Preventable deaths from climate change Cheng and Berry20
 DALYs lost from climate change Cheng and Berry20; NRC27
 Injuries and deaths due to extreme weather events ASTHO26; CSTE15
 Cancer rates for respiratory disease NRC27
 Food-borne, waterborne, and vector-borne diseases Multiple
 Annual incidence of confirmed Vibrio infections USGCRP23
 Incidence of Lyme disease cases in humans Cheng and Berry20; CSTE15; FPA22
 Incidence of West Nile virus cases in humans Cheng and Berry20; CSTE15
 Human cases of valley and dengue fever and of hantavirus CSTE15
 Allergic disease related to climate change CSTE15
 Morbidity and mortality rates of populations exposed to toxic chemicals during extreme weather events ASTHO26
 Premature deaths due to air pollution, eg, ozone and PM 2.5 Cheng and Berry20
 Population movement and migration Frumkin et al30; NRC27

D. Climate change mitigation domain

1. Energy-related
 Total energy consumption per capita CSTE15
 Renewable energy consumption per capita CSTE15
 Vehicle miles traveled CSTE15

2. Extreme weather-related

 Storm surge capacity in coastal areas ASTHO26

E. Climate change adaptation domain

1. Plans

 Development of state climate change adaptation plans CSTE15

 Development of local climate change adaptation plans City of San Francisco31

 Adoption of urban planning and design policies to reduce heat exposure Manangan et al29

 Heat island mitigation plans CSTE15

2. Public health agency actions

 Health surveillance systems related to climate change CSTE15

 Public health workforce trained in climate change research, surveillance, and adaptation CSTE15; NRC27

3. Population characteristics

 Access to cooling centers ASTHO26; CSTE15

 Levels of exercise and fitness, eg, rates of bicycle, public transport, and car usage NRC27

F. Policy

1. State and local government actions

 Formation of state climate change advisory board CSTE15

 Formation of local climate change advisory board City of San Francisco31

 Development of state climate change action plan CSTE15; NRC27

 Completion of state or local greenhouse gas inventory CSTE15

 Number and percentage of local governments participating in ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) CSTE15

 Percentage of population living in cities participating in the U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement CSTE15

Abbreviations: ASTHO, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CSTE, Council of State and Territorial Health Officials; DALYs, disability-adjusted life years lost; ED, emergency department; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; GHG, greenhouse gasses; ICLEI, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives; NRC, National Research Council; PM, particulate matter; USGCRP, U.S. Global Change Research Program.