Figure 6. AP-1 binds to miR-130b and regulates expression.
(A) Chromatin immunoprecipitation of MHH-ES1 cells using primers specific to AP-1 in the miR-130b promoter. (B) qPCR of pri-miR-130b expression after 4hour treatment with 400nM TPA. P-value was determined using Student’s t-test comparing TC71 treated with DMSO to TPA (400nM) treated cells. (C) qPCR of primary miR-130b transcript levels in TC71 after transfection with miR-130b and 24hour treatment with 10uM IPA3. P-value was determined using Student’s t-test comparing miR-130b mimic cells treated with IPA3 (10μM) to DMSO treated cells. *P<0.001. (D) qPCR of primary miR-130b transcript levels in MHH-ES1 cells after 24 hour treatment with 10μM IPA3. P-value was determined using Student’s t-test comparing MHH-ES1 cells treated with IPA3 (10μM) to DMSO treated cells. *P<0.05. (E) Summary diagram of miR-130b/CDC42/PAK1/AP-1 oncogenic, positive feedback loop in Ewing sarcoma. Scr = TC71 scrambled control ES cells, 130b = TC71 miR-130b mimic ES cells.