Fig. 6. Effect of host reaction-time on infection timing and outcome.
Comparison of (a) delay-time for virus and host reporter protein expression in single-cells. The legend shows the number of cells that have the same behavior. The extent of (b) viral gene expression (Maxv) and (c) host gene expression (Maxh) are plotted against the host reaction-time (Delayh − Delayv). Likewise, the duration of (d) viral gene expression (Risev) and (e) host gene expression (Riseh) are plotted against the host reaction-time. When (f) differences in the duration of reporter gene expression (Risev − Riseh) are plotted versus host reaction-time, a relatively strong linear correlation (R=0.57) is revealed. The host expresses earlier or has the time advantage when host reaction-time has a negative value. Conversely, the virus has the time advantage when host reaction-time has a positive value. All data refers to VSV-M51R infections.