Table 4.
Number of Crohn’s disease patients and the use of biologicals
Country | Estimated number of CD patients/source | Number of patients on biologicals1/source | Patients on biologicals per 100000 population (calculated) | Patients on biologicals per 1000 patients (calculated) | ||
Cz | 8768 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 (based on estimation) | 990 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 | 9.4 | 112.9 |
Fr | 72522 | Kirchgesner et al[28], 2017 (administrative database) | 22671 | Estimation based on Kirchgesner et al[28], 2017 | 34.0 | 312.6 |
D | 180000 | Estimate by the collaborating expert based on CD incidence and prevalence in two regional cohort studies from the 90ties. | 27000 | Estimation (based on the estimated % of patients on biologicals and the total number of CD patients) | 32.9 | 150.0 |
Hu | 9775 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 (based on epidemiology study) | 1870 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 | 19.0 | 191.3 |
Lv | 1695 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 (based on estimation) | 3 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 | 0.2 | 1.8 |
Pl | 32049 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 (based on estimation) | 888 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 | 2.3 | 27.7 |
Ro | 11000 | Estimate for 2016 by the collaborating expert based on National database including 13 IBD centers | 253 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 | 1.3 | 23.0 |
Sk | 3687 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 (epidemiology study) | 690 | Rencz et al[3], 2015 | 12.7 | 187.1 |
Es | 60000 | Arin Letamendia et al[29], 2008 (prospective, population-based study) | 15000 | Estimation (based on the estimated % of patients on biologicals from the ENEIDA database2 and the total number of CD patients) | 32.3 | 250.0 |
Se | 34318 | SWIBREG3 combined with the Swedish National Patient Register | 5270 | SWIBREG3 combined with The Prescribed Drug Register | 53.5 | 153.6 |
The sources of the number of patients on biologicals in Rencz et al[3], 2015 are National gastroenterology societies, ministries of health, IMS data, personal communication;
ENEIDA is a large Spanish database (ENEIDA), promoted by the Spanish Working Group in Crohn’s and Colitis (GETECCU) (partial, not population based study);
Swedish national quality registry for IBD. Cz: The Czech Republic; Fr: France; D: Germany; Hu: Hungary; Lv: Latvia; Pl: Poland; Ro: Romania; Sk: Slovakia; Es: Spain; Se: Sweden; GDP: Gross domestic product; CD: Crohn’s disease.