Figure 3.
(a) Heat map representation of the PTS of DBLα types among isolates within and among sentinel sites in Uganda. The DBLα repertoire in one isolate was compared to the DBLα repertoire in all other isolates within a site and among all sites. Different shading colors (Green = Kanungu; Red = Jinja; Orange = Kyenjojo; Taupe = Arua; Blue = Tororo; Purple = Apac; Grey = sharing between sites) are used to indicate the PTS values by site and among all sites. The darker the color of the box, the greater the total number of shared DBLα types in the DBLα repertoires between two isolates: no shading represents a PTS score of zero (i.e., no sharing), the darkest signifies a PTS score >0.2 (indicates >20% sharing of DBLα types in the DBLα repertoires between two isolates) and gradation in-between represent PTS scores as indicated in the color key provided. (b) The frequency distribution of the proportion of pairwise comparisions within particular PTS score ranges within and among all sites. N refers to the total number of pairwise comparisons between isolates within each sentinel site and among all sites. The proportion estimates were calculated as follows: # of pairwise comparisons within a specific PTS score range/total # pairwise comparisions in each site or among all sites.