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. 2017 Sep 18;7:11751. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11843-4

Table 1.

Antibacterial activities of the most active CyC analogsa.

Compounds Extracellular growth Intracellular macrophage growthb
MIC50 (µM) MIC50 (µM) CC50 (µM)
Isoniazid (INH)c 1.2 1.2 >150
Ethionamide (ETO)c 6.0 6.0 120
Rifampicin (RIF)c 0.01 2.9 24
CyC 6(β) graphic file with name 41598_2017_11843_Figa_HTML.gif No effect 12.6 >100
CyC 7(α) graphic file with name 41598_2017_11843_Figb_HTML.gif 92.6 4.5 >100
CyC 7(β) 16.6 3.1 >100
CyC 8(α) graphic file with name 41598_2017_11843_Figc_HTML.gif 40.4 4.0 >100
CyC 8(β) >100 11.7 >20
CyC 17 graphic file with name 41598_2017_11843_Figd_HTML.gif 0.50 No effect >100
CyC 18(α) graphic file with name 41598_2017_11843_Fige_HTML.gif 24.4 No effect >100
CyC 18(β) 1.7 No effect >100

aExperiments were performed as described in Materials and Methods. MIC50: compound minimal concentration leading to 50% growth inhibition. CC50: compound concentration leading to 50% host cell toxicity. The best MIC50 obtained are highlighted in bold. Values are means of three independent assays performed in triplicate (CV% < 5%). bRaw264.7 macrophages were infected by M. tb H37Rv-GFP at a MOI of 2. cData from20.