Figure 7.
a) Principal component analysis (PCA) of the LMPs (i.e., bridge/suspensory locomotion, arboreal quadrupedal walk, clamber/vertical climb, leap/drop/hop, and clawed locomotion); b) PC1 (left) and PC2 (right) values of the LMPs for each species mapped on the phylogeny, the values at nodes and branches were reconstructed using a maximum-likelihood ancestral character estimation method based on a Brownian motion model of evolution; c) depicts the standard partial least squares (PLS) and d) the phylogenetic PLS analysis of the LMPs and the shape variables. One of the models closest to the mean shape was warped to match the multivariate mean using the thin plate spline method, then the obtained average model was warped to represent the covariation between the two blocks of data for PLS1.