Phenotypes of spikelets in the WT and lf1. (A) Spikelets of WT (A, 1) and lf1 (A, 2 and 3) plants from which the lemma and palea had been removed. (B) Percentage of each type of spikelet among 100 spikelets in lf1. (C and D) Type of floral organs in the terminal florets of WT (C) and lateral florets of lf1 (D). (C, 4 and 5 and D, 4–6) Transverse sections of spikelets in WT and lf1, respectively. Abbreviations are as in Fig. 1. (Scale bars, 500 µm.) (E) Relative expression levels of genes for floral organ identity in the sterile lemma and terminal floret of the WT and lateral florets of lf1. Error bars indicate the SD of three biological repeats.