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. 2017 Sep 18;17:170. doi: 10.1186/s12886-017-0565-5

Table 2.

Comparison of demographic data and risk factors of surgical failure between groups

Interval ≤ 1 month
(n = 37)
Interval > 1 month
(n = 46)
Initial IOP (mmHg) 34.87 ± 5.29 32.24 ± 9.21 0.108a
Corneal diameter (mm) 13.18 ± 1.33 13.38 ± 0.78 0.412a
Follow-up period (month) 30 (15.25–42) 34 (16.75–75.5) 0.324b
Gender (female:male) 0.440c
 Female 13 (35.1%) 20 (39.8%)
 Male 24 (64.9%) 26(60.2%)
Laterality 0.993c
 Bilateral 33 (89.2%) 41 (89.1%)
 Unilateral 4 (10.8%) 5 (10.9%)
Haab’s striae 0.418c
 Yes 21 (56.8%) 22 (47.8%)
 No 16 (43.2%) 24(52.2%)
Severity of corneal opacity 0.066c
 Good 2 (5.4%) 11 (23.9%)
 Fair 30 (81.1%) 29 (63.0%)
 Poor 5 (13.5%) 6 (13.0%)
Severity score 0.397c
 Mild 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
 Moderate 20 (54.1%) 32 (69.6%)
 Severe 17(45.9%) 14(30.4%)
 SPI 2.80(1.78–3.33) 0.93(0.48–2.33) 0.000b

aStudent’s t-test; bWilcoxon rank sum test; cChi-square test; interval: interval between onset to surgery; IOP intraocular pressure, SPI speed of progression index