Species of Acacia sampled in the arid region. (A–C) Transverse sections (TS); (D and E) tangential longitudinal sections (TLS); (F) radial longitudinal section (RLS). (A and D) Acacia aneura (Juliflorae) LH44. Large idioblasts, almost the diameter of small vessels, each containing a prismatic crystal, either modified axial parenchyma or fibres, certainly originating from a single fusiform initial. Note also the uniseriate rays and very thick-walled fibres. (B, E and F) Acacia cambagei (Plurinerves) LH27. Abundant aliform and confluent parenchyma, marginal parenchyma packed with chambered prismatic crystals, rays short and mainly biseriate, homocellular. (C) Acacia loderi (Plurinerves) LH15 TS. Growth ring boundary with prismatic crystals, mainly gelatinous fibres, vessels in radial multiples, many containing gum or resin staining either blue or red. Scale bars = 100 μm.