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. 2017 Apr 7;119(8):1279–1294. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcx023

>Fig. 1.

>Fig. 1.

>Fig. 1.

Bayes„ian in„fer„ence tree based on the mid„dle frag„ment (604 pb) of the nu„clear 18S rDNA gene se„quences of the glomeromycotan in„di„vid„uals found in Arachnitis uniflora roots and other fun„gal lin„eages used as iden„ti„fiers, which are described in Supplementary Data Table S1. Terminal nodes denoted with„out GenBank ac„ces„sion num„bers cor„res„pond to fungi found in this work. Node sup„port is shown as Bayes„ian pos„ter„ior prob„abil„ity (BPP) over each node. Nodes with BPP <0·5 were collapsed to polytomies. Black boxes under nodes in„di„cate main di„ver„gence times (in Mya); all Roman nu„merals cor„res„pond to the node ages shown in Table 2, to„gether with their 95 % HPD inter„vals. (Inset) Image of A. uniflora plants and de„tails of flower and roots.