Fig. 6.
Measurement of solute permeabilities (Psr) and reflection coefficients (σsr) of seminal roots of barley for different test solutes using the root pressure probe in well-stirred conditions. Responses of root pressure (Pr) in relation to the change in osmotic pressure in the medium either by adding 100 mOsmol kg–1 ethanol (A), 56 mOsmol kg–1 KCl (B), 40 mOsmol kg–1 mannitol (C), 60 mOsmol kg–1 sucrose (D) and 26 mOsmol kg–1 K4[Fe(CN)6] (E) or by removing them from the medium. The addition of ethanol, KCl and mannitol to the medium resulted in biphasic responses due to rapid efflux of water, followed by slow influx of solutes. In contrast, addition of sucrose and K4[Fe(CN)6] to the external medium gave monophasic responses in which the second phase or solute influx (solute permeation into the root) is missing.