Figure 3.
Proportion of patients reporting scores ≥age-matched and gender-matched normative PRO values at baseline and 24 weeks in the (A) AMBITION and (B) ADACTA trial populations. Analyses were performed using the per-protocol population in AMBITION (TCZ, n=265; MTX, n=259) and the intention-to-treat population in ADACTA (TCZ, n=163; ADA, n=162). Normative values were defined as age-matched and gender-matched scores in a non-RA population without comorbid conditions. HAQ-DI: <0.5; FACIT-Fatigue: ≥40; SF-36 PCS/MCS: ≥50; SF-36 domains in the AMBITION population: PF: ≥78.8; RP: ≥79.1; BP: ≥67.4; GH: ≥68.2; VT: ≥56.6; SF: ≥81.7; RE: ≥85.0; MH: ≥72.9; SF-36 domains in the ADACTA population: PF: ≥78.3; RP: ≥79.0; BP: ≥68.1; GH: ≥69.3; VT: ≥58.3; SF: ≥83.4; RE: ≥86.3; MH: ≥75.1. ADA, adalimumab; BP, bodily pain; FACIT, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy; GH, general health; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; MCS, mental component summary; MH, mental health; MTX, methotrexate; PCS, physical component summary; PF, physical functioning; PRO, patient-reported outcome; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RE, role-emotional; RP, role-physical; SF, social functioning; SF-36, Short Form-36; TCZ, tocilizumab; VT, vitality.