(a) Flow of trial. A trial was composed of a rest period (-3.0—0.0 sec) with a beep provided at -1.0 sec for task preparation, a task period (0.0—2.0 sec), and a rest period of random duration between 2.0—11.0 sec. There were 6 sessions for each experimental condition (F, FS, L, LT). In session 1, instructive video clips were displayed instead of a green fixation cross. In sessions 2–6, red and green fixation crosses were displayed on the monitor during the rest and task periods, respectively. (b) Instructive video clips shown in session 1. In condition F, subjects watched a video clip of foot dorsiflexion. In condition FS, subjects watched the same video clip of foot dorsiflexion but with the sound of a bass drum (a non-tonal sound) produced when the right sole touched the floor (the musical note is not displayed, visual information is the same as condition F. In condition L, subjects watched a video clip of leg extension. In condition LT, subjects watched a video clip of a ball being kicked using the same movement (i.e., target-directed motion).