Table 3. Impact on adherence of dispensing exact quantities required.
Strict adherence criterion (no pills left) | One day tolerance criterion (less than four pills left) | Mixed adherence criterion (counting method combined with the Morisky scale) | |
Treated | 0.23* | 0.20* | 0.21* |
Pharmacies | [0.15; 0.31] | [0.12; 0.29] | [0.14; 0.28] |
Excluding individuals who refused per-unit dispensing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Observations | 1185 | 1185 | 1185 |
Censored observations | 984 | 984 | 975 |
Notes: Probit estimations, with sample selection equation (at first step, using Heckman command). Marginal effects reported. Robust standard errors clustered at pharmacy level. IC at 95% reported in brackets.
* p< 0.01.
Control variables are age and type of treatments; they were introduced after a stepwise procedure which determines their significance at the critical p-value of 0.10.