Figure 7.
Reduced radiation sensitivity of stem cells. (a) Plating of CD133+ (stem cells) or CD133− (progenitor cells) glioblastoma cells irradiated or not with 5 Gy and treated or not with debromohymenialdisine (DBH), a CHK1/2 inhibitor. The CD133+ cells show higher plating after 5 Gy than the CD133− cells. (b) Alkaline comet assays of CD133+ or CD133− cells from one of the cell lines at various times after irradiation (IR) with 3 Gy. (c) The quantification of the number of cells retaining comet tails (i.e. those that have not completed DNA repair) at various times after irradiation. Reproduced from Bao et al80 with permission from Nature Publishing Group.